Members Blog. This is the place where members of DMBA share information. Non-members are welcome to read. Our Dot Com site will be open soon.
is not affiliated with or a part of any other organization. We are an independent group of business owners who have come together to make a difference in our businesses and in our community.
Be a part of DMBA. Join in the conversation. Join in the fun.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Ladies Day Out - Sunday, November 10th - From 1:00 to 4:00 PM

Diane Kerr, Jerone Jewelers and myself, Chateau Christine are planning a Ladies Day Out on Sunday, November 10th from 1-4pm.

The purpose of Ladies Day Out is to get a jump on holiday shopping/gift buying, wish list collections and just a day for the divas.  If you are interested in hosting a ladies event that same day at your store, please let us know!  It would be fun if we could get a few stores involved to make it a nice day of shopping on a day when we are typically closed.

Each of us are responsible to promote your own event, but I can design up a flyer if you want with all the participating merchants involved to help promote each other.

Let me know by Wednesday or Thursday this week if you are interested and I will have a flyer made and delivered by this Saturday.

Christine Yamrick
Chateau Christine
309 Chestnut St.
Meadville, Pa 16335

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