Members Blog. This is the place where members of DMBA share information. Non-members are welcome to read. Our Dot Com site will be open soon.
is not affiliated with or a part of any other organization. We are an independent group of business owners who have come together to make a difference in our businesses and in our community.
Be a part of DMBA. Join in the conversation. Join in the fun.

Friday, September 20, 2013

09-26-13 Agenda

09-26-12 Agenda

The meeting will be held in the Council Chamber in the City Building at 6:00 pm.

Meetings held on the 4th Thursday are meant to be work sessions.

On the September 26th ‘Work Session’ we will be discussing several topics.

-  Reviewing the information that DMBA received from Crawford County Convention and Visitors Bureau.

-  Creating a Ballot for choosing the Dot Com name.
   10 names will be put on the ballot and members will be asked to choose 3. Then from those 3 a final name will be chosen.

-  Discussing the idea of a Meadville Identity.
   Tool City, Zippers, Theaters, Market House etc… What do you think of when you think of Meadville? And how can we sell that identity?

-  Go over group marketing. Three or four businesses gang their ads for different media outlets.

The first webinar, “The Art of Community Branding” was very well received. The following is a link to the recording if you were not available to listen to it: The link will only be active until September 27.

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