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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Using the City Building for our meetings.

What do we need to do to be able to use the conference room for our meetings. The building is closed at 6:00 pm isn't it? I would really like to have a neutral location.

Let me know what you think.
Viki Allin
Andy Walker
I’ll discuss with Joe Chriest.  The building closes to the public at 4 p.m.  However, the front doors can be programmed to open and close at different times—ie. they could open at 5:45 and close at 7 p.m.—or whatever makes sense.  You would only have access to the front hallway and bathrooms.  I assume you would need Council Chambers (as opposed to the smaller meeting room across the hall where the Market Authority typically meets). That room only holds maybe 8 people around the table comfortably, with two or three chairs off to the rear niche.  Council Chambers could hold many more.  I’ll be back in touch.

Andy Walker
Assistant City Manager/City Clerk

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